Your donation allows Taawon to deliver on its mission and will support our projects and campaigns, toward furthering the progress of Palestinians, preserving their heritage and identity, supporting their living culture and building civil society. It aims to achieve these goals by methodically identifying the Palestinian people’s needs and priorities and establishing the soundest mechanisms to maximize the benefits from the available funding resources.
We are proud to be one of the most respected and active nonprofit organizations working for Palestinian people. For 40 years, we have received many awards from international institutions such as Mahatma Award 2020 for Covid-19 Humanitarian Efforts, Mahatma Award 2019, 2018 for Community Work, Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2004, The Campden Middle East Philanthropy Awards named us Local Foundation of the Year in 2012, and others.

Donation Instructions
- We only accept Visa and Mastercard
- For your security, the donation shall require card authentication. If you have not already, please contact your bank to enroll in the authentication service
- Make sure you have enough credit on your card to make the donation
- Make sure your card is activated to make online payments
- Make sure to enter your credit card information correctly (name, card number, expiration date, and security code)
- If you have any questions, or would like to make a donation using a different method of payment, please contact us at [email protected]
Driving impact in the right place.
By giving, you help us respond to the most pressing and consequential issues in Palestine, to see its people persevere and thrive. We continue to identify needs and priorities of our people to create robust and effective modes of utilizing the funds we recieve from people like you.
Why Taawon?
- 40 years of achievements as an independent, non-profit organization run by Palestinians for Palestine.
- Well-connected to global networks of philanthropists and contributors.
- Unmatched proximity to Palestinian beneficiaries on the ground in Gaza, West Bank and refugee camps in Lebanon.
- Internationally recognized, award winning institution – Mahatma Award, Aga Khan Award, The Campden Middle East Philanthropy Awards and others.
We are available 24/7 for your inquiries.
Email us at [email protected]