A severe economic crisis has undermined the living standards and developmental prospects of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Imposed movement restrictions and the continued construction of the separation wall inside the West Bank have seriously disrupted and undermined the economic activities and every-day lives of Palestinians. Youth unemployment rates stand at a staggering 39% despite of a significantly high university enrolment rate (51%).
Within this context, civil society organizations continue to play a critical role in the economic and community development in the WBGS, as well as in Palestinian communities in Lebanon and in the 1948 Areas. To support these efforts, the WA partners with NGOs to meet the priorities and needs of women, youth and persons with disabilities in Palestinian communities.
In 2013, investments in the area of community development amounted to approximately USD 17 million equivalent to
47% of overall investments.
Throughout the year 2013, we invested in and implemented 6 programs that contribute to the sustainable development of Palestine and Palestinians:
1. YES (Youth Employment Program)
2. Welfare Association for Youth (WAY )
3. Shams Program (Community Based Rehabilitation of Persons with Special Needs)
4. Hasad (Food Security Program)
5. Asas Program (Capacity Development of Community Organizations)
6. Improvement of Community Services and Infrastructure