Azizah is a mother of five daughters and one boy living in difficult conditions inside a Caravan. Aziza has chronic diseases, namely diabetes and hypertension. Azizah is a widow as she lost her husband a long time ago. She also lost her son in the assault on Gaza 12 years ago. She took the responsibility for the whole family ever-since. The burden on Azizah has increased following the year 2014 when the family’s home was demolished and they live temporarily ever-since in a caravan in Bait Hanoun awaiting reconstruction.
Azizah supports her family’s from assistance provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs - as she lost a son in the 2014 assault on Gaza. However, this assistance is not sufficient any way. Azizah was selected by Taawon project team in coordination with local organizations to benefit from the weekly fresh food parcels, for three weeks.
With support of Human Appeal, Taawon provided Azizah with fresh food parcels to contribute towards improving the family’s food security. The parcels brought about some happiness to the family especially the kids.
While she is very thankful for this support Aziza still needs all types of assistance to enable her and her family to survive.
It is worth noting that the fresh food parcels were procured from needy small farmers in Gaza in order to support their businesses and contribute to improving their economic conditions.